Monday, December 13, 2010

Time is passing, embracing it before it dwindles

Ah! It is evening! What shall I owe this day to do? Too much apparently. Nay, the week! The week has had a lot going on already even though it is Monday! I return to make a quick entry about my life. It has been a while since I made anything on here. A lot has been going on, too many details, so much to cover, yet time is precious to me right now.

I am just relaxing on this wonderful evening in a library not too far from home, while I await for a friend to finish revising a paper of mine that I shall behead for no physical gelders at all. Boo. But what can I put in this entry that does not include so much as half a glass of water of my life? In other words, not being too specific for the time being as what has been going on? Well, I shall say this much. I have been better in the past days, somewhat. I still am a bit depressed, but am content to some extent, because God's hand is on my shoulder (whichever shoulder you want to think of). But I am smiling, because there are not things I cannot control in my own life 100% of the time. That is a fact my dear reader. But this week is finals week for this starving college student. I am almost half through fortunately. This past weekend I spent day and night working on papers. Oh the fun in spending a weekend. I thought it wouldn't end, the weekend that is. But I am glad it is behind me as I am progressing towards completion. Soon to come, grades. For I am hoping I am passing all my classes. Two of which I am uncertain about.

Among other things, as I iterated moments ago, I shall make a cry out about them later. In which, I might cry. Because recent events have been hard on me. And the "revolution" that followed it thus, impacted one other, and many others for that matter. A change has been made in my history. But for now, I will move onto other things.

Till next time, I bit you, my fellow reader, adu and good day.

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