Saturday, May 7, 2011

Continuance of a delaying pause.

Hello fellow reader. I return for a brief moment to spare several more lines from my last entry. Forgive me of my dreadful timing. It has been quite hard keeping track of time, especially with finals now only a week or so away. But without further delay, I will start from the last hurtful paragraph.

Digging into the hole a bit deeper, the past pains resurface as I begin to examine them yet again. Once I blow that dust that's re-accumulated on the dig sight, witnessing them once more is but a blight to my heart. But I will go on. You see, I cannot begin to fathom what happened on that fateful day a couple months ago now. The sudden disconnect, the ever so swift of a shocking discovery. My friend is gone from my life. I cannot even ponder with straight thoughts what exactly happened. There are all these assumptions I have been dwelling on, and a few paradigms to which I can experiment with...but they all come out inconclusive. All I can do is pray for an answer to come. But I will write on this no more. However, I will finish it off by saying, I will continue to have hope and faith. *wipes tears from his eyes*

I bid you all a du. The last two weeks of school beckon me.